A review by elylibrarysec
HWY 550 by Freya Barker


Luna Roosberg has a mystery that needs solving and we get to tag along. Right at the beginning my brain starts firing. This story may take place in Colorado but with recent changes in my neck of the woods, I could see this playing out here – just something that makes this seem so realistic. Our introduction to Luna seems a little sad because she seems so cynical about people and her life in general. I get the distinct impression that “chill” isn’t in her vocabulary.

Mark “Ouray” Strongbow heads the Arrows Edge MC and with it comes a lot of responsibility. He’s a man that’s full of surprises and has a big heart. You won’t get to see what his club was like prior to his taking over but what we don’t see may be part of our mystery. He’s a man who’s strong, can rule with an iron fist, totally oblivious about women – not bunnies, and yet has space to let the right person into his life.

This story has a lot of emotion to it. Once I started, I knew there was no way that this book and I weren’t going to become friends. I found myself becoming invested in this group of people. There were characters that weren’t perfect. There were secondary characters that I came to love and wanted to laugh with. I wanted to know more about the people Luna works with. There’s a young man who has found his voice and something else I’m sure he never expected. I can’t connect with characters that seem so perfect and that was one thing that I loved here.

Since I hadn’t read the first two books in the Rocky Point Series, I was glad to see that I could read this as a standalone. That doesn’t mean that at some point, I’ve got to get those books into my library. I want to see if the female characters are as strong as Luna. For me, I felt as if Ouray was created so that Luna could excel and show the reader what makes a good heroine. Now I just have to keep my eyes open for this author’s next book – I’m well and truly hooked.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.