A review by elin
The Forgotten Queen by Tini Howard


(full review here)

what attracted me to this comic to begin with was the main character, vexana. i thought she would be this really interesting immortal being, full of anger and hatred, traveling from people to people in search for something or with some kind of purpose. in reality, she – and all other characters – fell flat. there is not really any believable emotion or motivation in anyone, and we’re not given any chance or reason to care enough about anyone to bat an eye when they are killed, or disappear for some other reason.

the story also felt incredibly rushed. we jump from point to point, and often it feels like things happen between panels.

so, unfortunately i did not enjoy the forgotten queen. it had a lot of potential in my opinion, but in the end it fell flat in most aspects. it was unengaging, i didn’t care about any of the characters, and so much of the dialogue was just unnatural sounding exposition. i honestly wouldn’t recommend you bother picking it up.