A review by cybergit
A Fall of Moondust by Arthur C. Clarke


Somethings just don't age and a truly well written, science based novel is one of them. Re-read this book after what must be forty years and it was still good. OK some of the attitudes were a little off particularly around the role of women, bit these are just historical anomalies and don't really distract from a cracking good story.

Interestingly this book was first published in 1964 well before the moon landings. At one point in the narrative Clarke mentions the fact that from the surface of the moon you cannot see the stars because of the brightness of the moons surface. Strangely the fact that you cannot see the stars in pictures from the Apollo moon landing is often cited as proof that we did not go there by the lunatics who think the moon landings were staged! The power of reasoned logic escapes some people - ho hum :-)