A review by inkstndfngrs
Boys Don't Knit by T.S. Easton


So, the quick and dirty summary: a boy gets into a spot of trouble involving a crossing guard and a bottle of liquor I've never heard of. He is sentenced to community service with said CG and to take a class a local community college (or...whatever the UK equivalent of that is) and decides that he is under zero circumstances going to spend more time with his dad doing something he hates (work on cars), so he'll try to take up knitting because then he can possibly chat up a really hot teacher. Well, Really Hot Teacher actually teaches pottery so he's stuck with the MILF of his high school aged crush. And hey --he's actually pretty dang good at this knitting thing! So much that it kind of takes over his entire life --but he's a dude so absolutely no one can know. Especially not Dad. Or any of his friends. But seriously, not Dad.

As for what I thought: I actually did really like it. I wasn't sure I was going to. Ben is...disgustingly naive about girls. And life in general. But does pretty well for himself. It's really his friends who get him into trouble --but he's not a popular dude so he's kind of stuck with them. I'm familiar with that feeling. (Apologies to my friends...but sometimes you guys...sometimes...) I wasn't sure where exactly the story was going, and the ending was kind of "duh" but it wasn't an overly weak ending.

I think this is a great standalone but I look forward to more stories from the author (T.S. is apparently well published in the UK, but this is his first US book). From this side of the pond: Thanks for sending us a great story!