A review by batkat31
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers


When I first heard of this book I was told that people were mad that it was a "rip-off of Firefly". To which I immediately thought "Something that's similar to Firefly? Sign me up!". As a diagnosed Firefly addict I was hungry for anything that may be Firefly related.
This book was like Firefly in that it was a lovable crew, in a rag-tag spaceship, having adventures. The Kizzy/Kaylee resemblance was probably the closest it came to "ripping off Firefly" and even then, they weren't the same.

What I wasn't prepared for was the pure wonder of the book. It was amazing how the author painted so clearly a galaxy I've never explored, and races of aliens I've never thought of. There was such detail and emotion put into each of the races that I felt like I really did have as clear an understanding as any human could have of them. They were explained in a great way as well, through the eyes of the human crew members. We learned as they learned and there was no info-dumping which is tiresome in these situations.
Each of the characters was interesting and fun in their own right and we got a peek into their POV often enough to get a good look, but not so much as to be jumpy.

Due to work and the holidays I had to pick up and put down this book quite often which may have made it even better for me at this time. It made it almost episodic where every time I picked it up they were in a new place, or handling a new situation. That was a fun way to read it, however if I had had the opportunity I'm sure I would have just plowed through it in one sitting, since it was so enjoyable.
I was so happy to read a book that was joyful, loving and fun. It had it's hard times and complications so it definitely wasn't boring and happy-fun-time the whole book though. It was such a fun read though and I was left feeling like I traveled the galaxy with the crew alongside them.
Recommended for all, Firefly fan or not.