A review by bookwormbunny
A Dead Wizard's Dream: An Epic Fantasy Novel by Ross Hughes


A Dead Wizard's Dream is absolutely an epic fantasy novel that I am looking forward to reading more from this author. But I almost threw in the towel after two chapters. The first chapter (the Prologue) sets the story up and hooks my attention immediately. I'm eager to dive into the story and see where this is going to go. Then the author hit with me the first REAL chapter in this book and I was like...what is going on here?! There was so much detail and unnecessary information in that chapter! I was literally slogging through it just in the hopes that it got better because all the detail and unnecessary information of what was going on bogged the story down. Thankfully, the story improves otherwise I'd have had to call it quits and I hate doing that because this book sounded so promising.
There is a lot going on in this story. An evil demon - summoned and let loose, those who accidentally loosed him - dead and out of power, dwarves, their pet monsters of the deep, wizards, knights, princes, desert dwellers, elves, etc. This book is packed to the gills and there is a lot going on. It's engaging in the right moments and it does get bogged down from time to time, but just hang in there because it gets better.
I do have some complaints about this book though...at times there is just too much description. Now, yes there are times when I want more but some of it is literally unnecessary and needs to be taken out. It adds nothing to the story and only drags it down. The author switches between characters, locations often. I wanted the author to identify these shifts because it got confusing at times. Some chapters do give you a clue when it's a shift, but most don't. Also, there are some places where characters...show up where they really aren't. Oops!
All in all, this book is really good! With a few tweaks and some editing to remove unnecessary pieces, this book could be truly amazing! For now, though I am rating this book 4 out of 5 stars. For those who enjoy epic fantasy novels, this is a good book to pick up. I received a free review copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.