A review by pjonsson
Agents Of Mayhem by Michael Anderle, T.R. Cameron, Martha Carr


I would say this was an okay read, nothing less but certainly nothing more either.

After having read the first book in the series I felt like it had promise. Sadly, I do not feel that much came out of that promise. It is not a bad book but I had somehow hoped for something more.

I still like Diana, most of her friends and I certainly like the troll. I almost feel that the troll is the main character on the book. Diana never really felt like a main protagonist actually carrying the story up and forward. There’s plenty of fun dialogue. The action is not bad.

However, I felt like the characters and the story just wondered around without any real goal. It felt a bit rudderless.There was not really much development and my hopes of Diana evolving in terms of magical powers didn’t really get fulfilled.

Each chapter by itself was perhaps not that bad but when put together they did not really complement each other to create a compelling story.

I still have hopes for this series but the third book really has to pull things together otherwise I might drop the series.