A review by brendalovesbooks
Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens by Brandon Sanderson


Why I read it: 4th in a series
The Plot: The boy with all the wrong Talents has a lot to prove and, as always, little time in which to do it. In this final adventure, Alcatraz faces an army of librarians--and their giant librarian robots--as they battle to win the kingdom of Mokia.
The Characters: Alcatraz seems to grow up a bit in this book, and as a narrator he is very likable and fun. Throughout the series, though, I've never really been able to connect with any of the characters to the point where I really cared what happened to them.
The Setting: In this book, we are mostly in the fantasy land of Mokia. The setting is fine, and Sanderson is capable of doing incredible world-building, but I think he saves that for his adult fantasy, and this is more about being clever and punny.
A Sample of the Writing:
It's important to change. I, for instance, change my underwear every day. Hopefully you do too. If you don't, please stay downwind.
Who Should Read This? People who have already read the first three books in the Alcatraz series--this series is for those looking for really, really light YA fantasy.
Final Thoughts: I've commented before on the humor in these books, and how some people might find it over the top. Well, in this fourth book, it got to me. There were some funny parts still, but a lot of the time it felt forced, and I actually got bored. This is the first time I've felt like skimming while reading a book by Brandon Sanderson.
Grade: C
Cover Thoughts: The covers in these are always fun. And what's even more fun is that Alcatraz (as the narrator) refers to a cover from a previous book during the story.