A review by tabman678
The Shadow/Batman by Steve Orlando, Giovanni Timpano


The Shadow/ Batman is a pretty fine Damian and Batman tale. There's also some interesting stuff going on with the shadow that reminds me of Jason Aaron's Doctor strange or an Iron Fist comic.

Overall this is pretty alright. The art is good save a few Janky poses of anatomy. The writing is solid at times but can boil down to shameless writing of "the heroes have to wait until they've experienced the proper amount of conflict until they can beat the bad guys." Which this time around is Ras Al Ghul and the Shadows main guy I assume, can't remember off the top of my head.

Other than some annoying boring sequences where the heroes are struggling internally (Not done very well I think, because there is just loads of dialogue and I think that sort of thing is done better with minimal dialogue.) The Damian and Batman relationship is solid, Damian is a little shit but he always is, Batman is fine for most of it but he moments I question, the Shadow is fine, Ras Al Ghul I think is done really well here.

It's a interesting off shoot from main continuity I enjoyed and got more out of then I thought I would.

4 stars.