A review by tessisreading2
America's Geekheart by Pippa Grant


Over all, fun but unremarkable - the hero is a lovable doofus, the heroine is bland but not bothersome, and there are some good realistic-feeling looks at celebrity. The heroine's father teetered on the line between "is he doing this for laughs or is he, like, off in some way" - I could never quite figure that out, he was a little too committed to the role if he was just acting up to get a rise out of folks. There were a LOT of minor characters and set-ups for future romances for same. The constantly references to Firefly fandom were a bit much also, but that's a personal thing - Buffy/Firefly love has so often been used as some sort of geek litmus test when it's actually seemed pretty mainstream, and given what's come out about Joss Whedon in the last couple of years it feels kind of dated.