A review by chloe13013
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde


I really wanted to love this book. But I just don’t understand the hype behind it.

Don’t get me wrong, this book has some very beautiful lines that took my breath away. The preface for Dorian Gray (it being that all art is useless) was fairly interesting and I cared for… some of it?

Overall though I found the writing to be hard to get into, far too dense at times, and very challenging to understand. Although the characters were fully fleshed out, I found it hard to care about anyone or anything, really. There were so many times where my eyes would scan through blocks of chunky text and I would realize I didn’t understand a word I just read.

Someone please sit next to me and read me the book chapter by chapter. Please help me understand why this book is so beloved by the bookish community because I have major FOMO.