A review by booksreviewsandprocrastination
Unmasked by Her Lover by Mary Lancaster


Blog review: https://trishadoeseverythingbutstudy2.wordpress.com/2021/02/01/january-2021-reviews-arcs/#unmasked-lover

I received a free e-ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!

I really enjoyed it!!

I haven't read the others in this series but by the end of this, I wished I had. Though there isn't a lot that was missing, per se, but the fact is that there were a lot of plots I wished I had been a part of.

I wanted to know more about Hazel, and Deb, and Juliet....and while I'm not particularly eager to read those now, I still might complete this series some day.

Romance wise I really loved this! My only complaint would be that there wasn't a lot of romance in the last 30% or so, which was when I started getting bored a bit because I wanted romance and the book was focused on giving me plot.

Not that that plot wasn't nice, but like I said above, since I hadn't read the previous books, I wasn't that interested in the plot.

I really loved our characters, and the Princess-Switch thing this incorporated, and I really liked Aline too....though she did make me have changes of heart a lot.

On the whole I really liked it, and I will definitely be checking out more by this author in the future. I recommend it to anyone who likes historical romance, duke-duchess-inheritance drama, scandals in whatever age of England this was set in, and doesn't mind the plot....I would suggest reading the other books first, though you would enjoy this nonetheless.