A review by calistareads
Mel Fell by Corey R. Tabor


What a fantastically focused idea. I mean, it's so simple and the surprise is so wonderful. This is a Caldecott Nom and I wasn't all that impressed with the artwork, not that it was bad. It was simply serviceable. It's the execution of the story that makes it so impressive. The way the art was so important to the story being told. The artwork was simply, but so important to the feeling of the story.

Mel has decided, being the precocious bird she is, that today is the day she will fly while mom is away. It's funny as she doesn't even open her wings, she simply dive bombs and we see all these creatures along the tree trying to help her like bees and a spider. None can help.

I do want to talk about the rest, so

Spoilers Ahead:

This really will spoil the whole experience for you. I suggest not reading this until after you read the book as it's worth it. The birth hits the water and then you have to flip the book around and the bird starts to fly upward with a goldfish in it's mouth. It's so joyful to watch that bird go up. It lifts your spirit with it. I can see kids loving this little quirk. It's such a little thing and it felt almost magical.