A review by wulfwyn
Sun Kisses by Lynda Beaver, Stacey Bell


What a delightful book! I have a few freckles myself but I have cousins who have many more. As I was reading this book, my thoughts turned to them. I thought about how much this book could have contributed to their happiness as children. I wish it came out when we were children. I would have been gifting it madly! Like Emily, they had been teased about their freckles. They would have loved a book about how they came to receive so many freckles.

Emily comes home crying over what a school mate has told her. In ancient times, (haha), she would have been told, "sticks and stones." Recent times she might be told to ignore the mate. But now she has a wonderful fable to help her.

We are all unique. We are all beautiful. I would recommend this book. It is a lovely way to explain freckles.

I enjoyed the illustrations. I wish there were more of them included.

Thank you to BookTasters and the author for bringing this book to my attention for review consideration. It is a book I will be sharing.