A review by stacyroth
The Photographer of Mauthausen by Salva Rubio, Pedro Columbo


I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

Francisco Boix was a Spanish press photographer who fled to France at the beginning of World War II. There, he and other communists were handed over by the French to the Nazis and sent to Mauthausen concentration camp. When the Nazis learn about his photography skills, he is put to work processing photos taken in the camp. When he is made to develop pictures of the deaths of prisoners in the camp, Francisco realizes this is his chance to share with the outside world the atrocities being committed in the camp. Knowing he is risking not only his own life but the lives of others at the camp, Francisco vows to do whatever it takes to get these photos out to the world.

This is a true story of one of the many atrocities experienced in the concentration camps at the hands of Nazis in World War II. The illustrations capture the horrors of Mauthausen, making this a powerful, moving graphic novel. This book makes me want to learn more about Boix. I highly recommend this graphic novel!