A review by shesbecomingbookish
Last Dance on the Starlight Pier by Sarah Bird


Evie has been fighting her whole life. Fighting to eat, to get her mother’s affection, to find a way to a better future. So when she manages to get accepted into nursing school she's already prepared for the uphill battle of long shifts, bedpans, exams, and textbooks. What she wasn’t expecting was the constant fear of being found out for who she really is. Will her vaudeville past come to light and corrupt her chances at a future in nursing? And if so, what in the world would she do? She ran out on her mother. And Vaudeville is over. Who would be there to hold her up and force her to just keep dancing?

Great Depression. Vaudevillian heroine. Hot dancer guy. LGBTQIA subplot. This book has a little something for everyone! I enjoyed it thoroughly and have very few complaints really. The writing was super descriptive without shoving it down your throat. I was captivated by the main characters and the idea of the dance marathon (who knew that was a thing). I found myself not wanting to put this down more often than not, which is a good sign in my book. I loved learning about Depression Era Galveston and was reminded a bit of The Four Winds and Blind Tiger while reading this one. Overall, it was a solid new historical fiction. I did think it was a bit too long. There were a few times it felt like the story was dragging a bit and losing momentum, but the author recovered well with a new twist. It read a bit like a YA novel, which isn’t usually my thing, but I can see how/why this one would appeal to young people and those who like a good clean novel. I definitely suggest snagging this from your local library when you get a chance.