A review by bianca89279
This One Wild and Precious Life: A Hopeful Path Forward in a Fractured World by Sarah Wilson


To be honest, before I reserved the audiobook I asked myself if I needed to read yet another book about climate change, consumerism, nature hikes etc, as I consider myself clued in. But then I'm also keen to learn more and, unfortunately, I need to be inspired and prompted now and then, when the wind in my sails seems to wane, which is why I ended up spending almost fourteen hours listening to Sarah narrating her own book.

Sarah Wilson is an Amazonian goddess, an objectively beautiful human specimen. She's much more than that, though. She's a thinker, a constant learner, an experimenter, a chance taker. A few years back, you may have come across her under the I Quit Sugar umbrella. She made a hobby project/blog into a very successful business. Instead of following the capitalist model of "constant growth" and getting richer and richer, she gave it all up, as selling it to multinationals would have required her to continue to be the face of the movement/business, something that she wasn't willing to do.

This book is a call to action, a call to reconnecting to nature, to stopping mindless consumerism, to stepping outside the zeitgeist. She does it through personal anecdotes and stories from many of her hikes through forests, deserts. It references authors, philosophers, environmentalists, artists and everyday people she met along the way. There is enough data to scare the pants off of you, but there's no info-dumping, not that it's anything wrong with that. Sarah Wilson opens us herself to judging by opening up about some very personal, intimate aspects and events of her life. Luckily, as she said "she doesn't have any more fucks to give about what others think" and she shouldn't. Isn't that one of the perks of getting a bit older and being comfortable with not being liked by everyone or wanting to be liked by everyone?

While listening to the audiobook I thought to myself what I shame I didn't have the print copy as I would have liked a list of the people and materials mentioned so that I could do more reading. I shouldn't have worried, there is an incredible list of resources on https://sarahwilson.com , it should keep me busy for some time.