A review by anothersarah
The President Show by Costanza Casati


I picked up this book after loving Clytemnestra (so fantastic!) and wow, I could not put it down! At first the writing felt stilted and amateur, but then I came to feel that perfectly fit the main character- as a person with writing talent but not a strong education- and really respect the choice.
The concept should be so far out there that these girl's plights are unrelatable, but sadly they are not. As I devoured this story I remembered incidents in my own life including a company Christmas party I went to with some jerk who got insecure about me talking and laughing with coworkers. He sidled up close and whispered, "You know, you are much prettier when you keep your mouth shut. I didn't bring you to entertain everyone like a clown." We are taught to objectify and be objectified by pop culture and advertising, I am far from the only woman to be reduced to a pretty arm decoration, and that makes me sad and furious. I highly recommend this read!