A review by jem_ko
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers


Read this book. No, shut up. Just go read it.
This soft sci-fi tale is nothing exceptional in terms of narrative (not so enticing i know) but it is the kind of character-driven novel that will have you wrench your own heart out with the most beautiful yet somehow casual dialogues on the nature of human love, the beauty of space, the fear of being a descendant of violence and the essence of family (found family of course). The plot does move too, for clarification, and it is exceptional how Chambers manages to incorporate such nonchalant philosophical matter into a tale whilst also making the concepts of space travel and black holes - which are highly relevant to the plot - easy to understand.
Certainly a new favourite read. Can totally understand how one might get obsessed over this series and i am seriously tempted to ignore my ginormous summer tbr to buy the sequels.