A review by lactoseintolerant
Untangled: Walking the Eightfold Path to Clarity, Courage, and Compassion by Koshin Paley Ellison, Koshin Paley Ellison


Seemed to jump around a lot- some of the ideas expressed here felt confusing and unfleshed out. For example, proclaiming that the most difficult people in our lives teach us the most, is not necessarily good advice... especially if those people are abusive. Other points, such as proclaiming that one is "stealing" their attention or time from others by not giving it to them, thereby making them a thief (which is karmically bad), along with emphatically praising someone who's done harm for admitting to it, seem like a recipe to encourage the acceptance of abuse in the name of religion. Despite understanding that this is not what the author intended to commutate, I fear his convoluted words could be easily twisted to fit that narrative. I long for further editing and clarification, as well as fewer Zionist implications with the complicity of benefiting repeatedly from Israeli programs, and therefore benefiting from their ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people. It's confusing to read about peace in the same breath as Israel- but perhaps that in itself is a reflection of the acceptance of abuse in the name of religion undercurrent mentioned above. 

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