A review by ml03
The King's Witch by Tracy Borman


Frankly, this book is a good one for those seeking basic reading or like historical tales. It is not a terrible book, but not the kind that made me absolutely crazy for it.

The good thing about this book is that it has a real historical setting and real people in it. It does well in placing characters in locations that are not made up. The topic of witchcraft and the witch trials is very interesting and the book does show how ridiculous small details and accusations could've gotten you hanged/burned/tortured back in the day.

However, the book's characters are very plain or have personalities equal to vanilla ice cream. Most of the time I wished to bang this piece of literature against those said characters for the choices they made. I admit though, it's rare that any book gets me this emotional or exasperated. Still, nothing surprising happened in the story. It could be better if there had been character or relationship development at a deeper level.