A review by jennadb
Everything, Somewhere by David Duane Kummer


3.5 stars

Everything, Somewhere by David Duane Kummer is a YA story where coming of age story that is sometimes dark in its subject matter which could be disturbing for some readers. David is a young writer who started writing at a young age and is passionate about telling his stories. There is a lot going on and at times it was hard to keep track on who was who. I would have liked to see a little more character development but was still able to get a sense for what they should be.

In this book we follow three main characters who are teenagers learning their place in the world and pushing those limits. Not everything is sunshine and roses as they start trying to figure out who they are and how they fit in the world and they also look towards their futures. There are some life altering changes in store for them.

This is a thought-provoking story that I am sure a lot of YA’s will be able to relate to.