A review by marilynmalloy
Love Anthony by Lisa Genova


I fnished Left Neglectedby Lisa Genova about two weeks ago, I was looking forward to this book, but did not think anything could top what I had just finished at the time. Boy was I wrong.

I absolutely love this book. I was drawn in from the first chapter, and almost read it in one sitting, I could not put it down and it has been a while since a book has drawn me in that much.

I work with autistic children in my daily job, so this was of no surprise of me. I knew the therapies being discussed, in detail, and I loved the way they where discussed in the book. With the focus given to them, I was wondering if I was the only one who viewed these as ‘training a dog’. They can have tremendous value, but at what cost. I also completely agreed with Lisa’s questioning of the therapy’s that remove ‘unwanted’ behaviour, and questioning whether they are truely beneficial to the child (or adult) who is autistic. For a while many professionals felt my own son was autistic, and I fought the label, and the therapy to ‘remove’ how he was communicating, as I felt it was wrong for my son. And in my situation I am fortunate, and my son is not autistic, I applaud Lisa Genova for raising questions with these techniques we currently use with children. Why take a way their way of communication just because they are inconvient or not-normal. Why take away something they enjoy? Is it really healthy some of these techniques?

Lisa Genova brought up so many valid points, and did it in a way that wasn’t confrontational or negative. Once again this is a book that will stay with the reader long after they turn the last page. It is a wonderful book. I recommend it to anyone who has been touched by autism in any way. People as a whole need to be more understanding and knowledgeable on the topic. And I praise her for pointing this out. In detail, and without sugar coating it.

This book is about more than autism. It is about family. A family going through seperation, and a cheating spouse, and refinding themselves and where it takes them. It is about another family dealing with the death of a son they loved dearly, and unconditionally; and trying to cope as best they can in the aftermath. This is a book about finding the joy in what we have. Not just want we want, or wish we had. It’s about finding the true pleasures in life, and the simple things. Going with the flow when a shirt gets stained, or breakfast is one French Toast stick short. About loving eachother, and loving yourself. About doing what is right, despite needs, wants or desires. About listening to your heart, and not just what your head thinks is your heart. Its about falling apart and becoming whole again. About growing into who we are meant to be today – even if we are going to grow again tomorrow. And to paraphrase Oliva, to be Complete, not Perfect.

Thank you Lisa Genova for another great read. I will be in line the day another of your books hits shelves. You are an amazing writer, and an inspiring woman. May this book be a bestseller for weeks to come!