A review by greisreads
Hearts, Fingers, and Other Things to Cross by Katie Finn


My thing with this book is that it wasn't bad, it just didn't need to exist. To be honest, this was 244 pages of pretty much nothing happening. It's pretty much an entire book on just character growth and it was pretty unnecessary.

Gemma and co get stuck in Bruce's house because of a hurricane and she finds out her dad and Karen are getting married. And because the entirety of the second book didn't happen apparently since no one seems to have learned anything from it, she and Hallie go back to do everything they did in book 2 except it's to their parents.

And literally everyone was telling them to take their heads out of their ass and just let their parents be happy and Gemma essentially went, I hear you and I kind of agree but I'm gonna do it anyways. Like the entire time she was scheming, she knew she was doing the wrong thing, she didn't even want to do it, but she just kept going. And the way her and Hallie made it sound, you'd think capers would ensue but literally only two things happened and the second event was the only dealbreaker one for their parents relationship.

Like the entire Reverse Parent Trap plot didn't really go anywhere, to be honest, their parents weren't even in the house with them most of the time, and the rest of the time they were too busy making sure things went smoothly because of the hurricane.

The Ford plotline was dragged out for way too long, for suspense purposes and nothing else obviously, to the point where it was just annoying. Like the dumb pining and stuff would've been cut down significantly. Like the scene at the end where the two of them do get together was cute and all but it could've happened at literally any other time.

The rest of the characters were pretty uninteresting like nothing happened with them, they were mostly there because they had to be. Gwenyth was home the entire time to literally no one's surprise, it was fairly obvious.

I guess the only thing that we really got out of this book was that Hallie and Gemma finally got over their problems and grew closer since they were gonna be related and all. But all in all, anything worth keeping around in this book is so small that it could've been added onto book 2 with like an extra hundred pages or so and it would've been a nice wrap-up. So, like I said, there wasn't really any need for this book. It wasn't bad, it just didn't serve a purpose.