A review by aveincobalt
The Death of Sleep by Anne McCaffrey


One of this book's reoccurring themes is the MC's bigotry to heavyworlders. Heavyworlders are humans who have been genetically altered to withstand worlds with higher gravity and are seven (7) feet tall. The MC is constantly terrified of these beings that are described as giants, but they are only seven (7) feet tall. It is lubricious!

Combined with the fact that almost all of the books problems could be solved by consulting security camera footage, this book can not be taken seriously. You expect me to believe people are being murdered on a space ship and the suspected killers are let go because they alibied each other and there is no way to tell if they were lying or not? Supplies are being stolen and your only solution is to have two little kids run a checkout system while doing their homework?

The book ends in obvious attempt at sequel baiting, but it just feels like the character didn't actually progress at all during the course of the book.