A review by anotherbooklady
Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology by Shane Hawk, Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.


“Are you sure you want to hear my scariest story?”
-Scariest. Story. Ever.
By Richard Van Camp

This Indigenous anthology of 26 unsettling and scary short stories is definitely one you don’t want to read at night-or alone!

Thought provoking, creepy, honest, and ghostly tales to satisfy any horror-loving reader. Definitely not a holiday read, but my Grim Readers book club chose this book for December. This book was a spooky change of pace from my snow-filled holiday romance reading.

There were stories about the ghosts among us, the spirits that protect, and the spirits that harm. There were tales of broken hearts and broken homes, and in my personal favorite story (Scariest. Story. Ever.), a story about honoring and protecting your family and supporting your community.

Along with the authors, the narrators for this anthology are also Indigenous. There wasn’t a bad reader among them and it felt as if these stories were being whispered to me, told with the utmost care.