A review by kaylakaotik
Bad Mommy by Tarryn Fisher


Rating 3.5 stars

I love Tarryn Fisher's books. Her writing is phenomenal. Her stories are the kind that stick around in my mind long after I've read them. Unreliable narrators and twists in the story are exactly what I've come to expect when reading her books.

However, Bad Mommy is different. The writing was still amazing and I had a hard time putting down the book, but something seemed... off, for lack of a better word. While the unreliable narrators were exactly what I expected, I was left waiting for a twist that didn't come. The crazy twist I was expecting (and not just because this is a Tarryn Fisher book either, a twist felt inevitable for the majority of the book) could have easily pushed this book into 4 or 5 star territory.

I'm unsure how I feel about the different points of view throughout the book. Fig's PoV felt stronger than the other two. During the entirety of the book, though, I was intrigued by these characters. I'm a sucker for flawed characters and this book has them in spades.

Overall, Bad Mommy is a good book that just fell short of spectacular. Perhaps it's because I have such high expectations of Tarryn Fisher's work or maybe this one just missed the mark for me. Either way, I'm not disappointed that I picked it up.