A review by mbenzz
The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis


Wow...that was pretty intense. I usually avoid religious content like the plague, but this book appealed to me and it was amazing.

I love the overall message and the difference between Heaven and Hell. It's not the cut-and-dry Good = Heaven, Bad = Hell...it's so much more complicated than that. Good people end up in hell and bad people end up in Heaven. It's all about the ability to let go and give up unnecessary feelings and emotions. Hell is not fire and brimstone, but a place of isolation and self-imposed unhappiness. Those in Hell CHOOSE to be in Hell, as they don't see it for what it is and they are unable to let go of their earthly emotional constraints.

I'm so glad I read this. Has it changed my opinion on religion? No. I still stand firm in my beliefs, but I absolutely appreciate it for the work of art that it is. The writing is just beautiful.