A review by theartolater
Johnny Alucard by Kim Newman


Consider me surprised that the latest Anno Dracula entry is the best of them so far, especially given that the previous title, Dracula Cha Cha Cha, felt like a logical endpoint.

Johnny Alucard takes place in a much more modern time, where John Alucard is looking to produce a movie about Dracula and the lineage. This means cameos and scenes with Francis Ford Coppola, Andy Warhol, Orson Welles, tons of crazy Hollywood drama, and some interesting modern results of the hundreds of years of history that has come before it.

Given that there was quite some time between Dracula Cha Cha Cha and Johnny Alucard, there are some short stories in here that have come out between now and then which help fill in some gaps, but what's surprising is that it has a decidedly modern feel while not abandoning what made the initial books stand out. For such a long time span in between titles, I'm not sure what I expected, but it wasn't this, and that's a good thing.

What's weird about Johnny Alucard, however, is not so much that it exists or that the story feels modern and current, but that it's really the first time Newman explores what the vampire-led world is like. That sort of flavor was missing throughout the earlier tales, and comes along quite well here.

Overall, a nice addition to the Anno Dracula canon. Given how things had appeared to end, this is a much more welcome bonus than one might have initially thought.