A review by layla87
In This Iron Ground by Marina Vivancos


4.5 stars!!!!

I received an ARC from GRR in exchange for an honest review.

Wow! so I've seen this book all across the MM ether, and it is often compared to Wolfsong … (PS...It's nothing like it, but it was special in its own way)

This was hard read, intense and very difficult to get through at times. I think this book is a classic definition of a Hurt/Comfort book.

What I loved:

1. The Characters:
- Damien: This boy... this boy broke my heart. The shit he went through, the horrors he faced, and the aftermath of it all. He is truly an amazing character, a strong character who clawed and fought his way to a better life. He had help of course, and there were times where someone was in the right time to throw a safety net for him.
he was vulnerable from start to finish, but he felt lighter as the end of the book neared and I think that was such a relief for me as reader. #Unforgettable

- Hakan: he was pillar for Damien, from friend, to best friend to lover. he was always what Damien needed to anchor himself. their nonsexual intimacy was sweet, and genuine and poignant. #MyRock

2. The Plot:
Damien's life took a turn for worse to worst since he was a child. but meeting the Selgado family, connecting with them, bonding with them ultimately saved his life. They saved him from himself. the book is divided into two parts, and for me part one was the hardest to read. Part 2 is where Hakan and Damien come together after being friends for years. this part was easier, less intense and maybe not as affecting for readers. but together, they were amazing. #ItWasAJourney

3. The Romance...
The romance here takes a bit of a backseat to Damien finding himself, learning how to live and growing up. but even though the romance was minimal, once Damien and Hakan got together, you cant help the jolt of happiness you feel that F@CKING FINALLY YES PLEASE I WANT THEM TO KISS ALREADY! ...AHEM. #SometimesLessIsMore

4. The Heat...
The book isn't super steamy, and Damien certainly "plays the field' and embraces his sexuality. his couple of of scenes with Hakan were sweet and sexy because both of them loved the other, while the other didn't actually know. #FriendsWithBenefitsButNotReally

The Niggles I had:
- I felt like I needed to know Hakan more. I can understand that it was Damien's story, but i felt like Hakan was on the fringes and I needed more of him, so I could connect with him more and get invested in his relationship with Damien that much more.

- I didn't like the fact that Damien continued sleeping with others even after he and Hakan got together. For someone who was pining for years, and that person was basically his first and only love, I would've love to see him with Hakan nd Hakan alone, even if he convinced himself that it was a FWB situation.

- The HEA.. don't get me wrong... there is an HEA, but I felt a bit cheated. I wanted more of them together, I wanted to see them in the future, maybe with their parents and how they reacted to them being together ....