A review by craftybynamite
The Clockwork Witch by Michelle D. Sonnier


2.5 stars. It felt like there was a lot of potential with this but it wasn't executed well. The characters including Arabella didn't feel complex enough and I wanted the world to be developed more. I think part of that mainly comes down to the fact that whilst this is set towards the beginning of the early stages of the industrial revolution, the characters felt very much tropey in an an almost comedic way.

It also felt like the gravity of different plot points wasn't fully developed both by the characters and the author. There was so much potential for the emotional abuse that Arabella touches on at the beginning of the story and which underlies most of the interactions she has with her mother and the majority of her sisters but it felt underdeveloped at best.

That said, while they won't be at the top of my tbr, I shall look forward to the rest of the series.