A review by emilymaree10
The Two of Us by Andy Jones


This story follows a couple, Ivy and Fisher who have only been dating for a very short time, not even a month to be exact... and yet they are so in love and inseparable.
You are seeing this relationship from Fisher's point of view, which makes things interesting as it is from a male perspective.

You follow along their relationship and see how some circumstances can be tough on a relationship and how to pull through it and stay in love.

I feel like the story was a slow burn but for what the story is about, I don't think there was any other way to really write it. I however did think that this story could have been made shorter as some things were thrown in there for filler.

The characters were pretty average, I didn't hate them but I didn't love them. But they were well enough to like and want to follow along on their journey.

I picked this book up thinking it was going to be filled with cute romances and smutty scenes, but I got a mediocre relationship. I didn't really feel the connection between the couple.

I did like this book, but I guess some things just fell flat.

Mini Spoiler....
I feel like this book should have a trigger warning for the death of a baby, as I was really shocked by the ending and it was really hard for me to read about. I feel like it was unnecessary and it could have been a happy ending with both babies still alive.