A review by missluker
Beneath a Meth Moon by Jacqueline Woodson


Just like with [b:Crank|270730|Crank (Crank, #1)|Ellen Hopkins|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388192181s/270730.jpg|262457], this book talks about the insatiable hunger and quick downfall of a life that is overtaken by addiction. Unlike [a:Ellen Hopkins|2821144|Ellen Hopkins|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1317081848p2/2821144.jpg], who really seemed to take her time with the details of how deep addiction is rooted in a person and how it seems to quickly spread into every facet of a person's life, [a:Jacqueline Woodson|74640|Jacqueline Woodson|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1327352477p2/74640.jpg] seems to write a tale that is just scraping the surface of how devoured a person can become by their addiction. To me, it didn't seem nearly as believable, but it is quite shorter than Hopkins's stories, which may make it a great book for adolescents who are just exploring the theme of addiction in their reading journey.