A review by prettyinpapercuts
Everything That's Underneath by Kristi DeMeester


The spiders pushed against my skin, an obscene blooming in the darkness, and I brought my hand to my stomach, pushed their dancing legs flat.

Everything That's Underneath is an incredible collection of short stories. As I've said one thousand times before - I think most short story collections leave me wanting so much more - but this one left me so satisfied.

Kristi DeMeester's voice is so bold. Her writing is somehow beautiful, ethereal, even when the content makes the reader feel deeply unsettled.

It's jerky and stiff-legged and crawls on all fours as if it isn't used to the skin that wraps it. As if it wants to outrun whatever holds it together.

Such lyrical wording for such grotesque images. This collection will linger with you, whether you want it to or not.