A review by theestherhadassah
Seven Ways to Lose Your Heart by Tiffany Truitt


DISCLAIMER: I received an e-galley of this book (via NetGalley) in exchange for honest review. Took me damn long enough, but I finally read it.

Firstly, this book has been sitting in my TBR (aka my e-reader) for much too long. I don't know why I didn't devour it within the first couple of days that I had it, but I think it was because I had a ton of other books I was trying to get to.

I cannot even begin to contain my excitement and distress. Excitement because this book is was awesome! Distress because it ended too soon!

This story was amazing. I loved it so much. From the moment I read that the two characters were childhood best friends, I was hooked. Best friends turned lovers are my favorite, but this is more than that. This story involves lost friendship. Its about not being afraid to take risk to be happy.

Kennedy Harrison and Annabel Lee are definitely my new OTP.

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