A review by jackflagg
Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You: A Guide to the Universe by Marcus Chown


I never truly understood Quantum Mechanics in college. We had the course over two semesters and, sure, I did alright, passed the course, did my best at memorizing all the wave functions and bra-ket notations and wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff... But I kept asking myself "why" these phenomena happened, which kept leading me into a rabbit hole of information that not even all physicists truly understand. Unlike classical physics, there's no real "why" to talk of, things are just weird at the quantum level. So you either go all in with the madness and start studying advanced mathematics or you get out while you still have your wits. So I got my B+, thanked the professor and got the hell outta there. :)

Years later, having finished college and dropped out of a master's, I was left with the impression that Quantum Theory is a messy web of math and physics and unintuitive results. And, boy, after this book refreshed my memory, I was completely right. It's a great choice for the layman who wants to understand the important theories and experiments in quantum physics and relativity, without getting their hands dirty with Hilbert spaces and Hamiltonians. It's fun and light and explains all the good stuff, like how entanglement and special relativity work. You'll scratch your head reading all these space oddities and don't worry if you don't understand it fully, just enjoy the ride and cash-out early. I give it a B+