A review by si0bhan
The Roar by Emma Clayton


Emma Clayton’s The Roar is one of those books I picked up to complete a deal – in fact, I picked up both books in this series. Although the books were used as a means to ensure I reached the right number of books to get the offer, I was interested in giving this series a read. In fact, I was rather eager to dive in. Although I feel as though young adult dystopian has grown to be overly repetitive, I still have a weakness for the genre.

Unfortunately, there was too much of that repetitiveness for me to enjoy this one. Most of the elements in this story I could point towards other young adult dystopian books and say ‘I have seen it before, and I have seen it done better’. Sure, there was potential here, but it failed to live up to it.

I think the biggest issue for me, however, was that I did not care about any of the characters. I can deal with similar stories, if I’m enjoying something about them. Namely, if I care about the characters and what is happening to them. With this one, I just didn’t care. I felt no connection to any of the characters, and I was reading simply to see how everything came together.

I will admit there was some enjoyment to be found when the details came together towards the end, and there were some nice messages in there, but it was not enough to win me over. As I have the second book I will be reading it to see how everything comes together, but it’s not a story I’m crazy excited about. It’s a means to get answers, not a necessity to calm a fangirl mind.

I’m sure many will enjoy this, but The Roar just wasn’t for me.