A review by confuzzledreader
How To Create Positive Change in 21 Days by Sara Khan



"Hit snooze button and

you snooze your life."

Have you ever pondered over your final goal in life? Have you decided your goals or are yet to decide? Are you doing something to achieve your goals?

If no, then you definitely need to pick up and read this book. This book will let you explore your inner self and make you realize your true worth. You'll definitely embark on a new journey after reading it. Though it is a self help book, the author has explained each and everything in such a fun manner. It is not like a typical self help book but is unique in its own way. The author tries to connect with the reader and freshen ups one's mind by letting the reader explore him/herself by doing some fun activities.Rather than writing all those common stuff like read books, exercise , spend time with family etc etc , the book focuses on the main issue i.e. finding YOU. Each chapter contains activities which is an amazing concept. While reading the book you'll definitely start finding time for yourself and will start seeing everything around you with a new vision. 

" Let this day count too. 

Let each moment of your day count

Let each minute of your day count 

Love yourself as much as you love 

The most precious thing in your cupboard "

Each chapter contains eye catching quotes that you'll love. The quotes doesn't let the reader get bored. I was able to connect myself with the author and I was actually hooked to the book. It's a short read and an absolute beauty. The language is easy and simple and the book is well paced too.

Do give it a try.