A review by saarahnina
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen



This book featured such an intriguing concept, that of a man's thoughts are what he becomes, I personally have to agree. Mr. Allen writes, ' As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.'

But then as I was reading it, I adapted the habit of evaluating Mr. Allen's beliefs: for example if man's thoughts are what build his character, then surely a man's thoughts should be held accountable for man' actions, how exactly does one go about punishing one's thoughts?

Then there was the idea that circumstances are of little importance, they only assist one in learning about oneself- circumstances reveal your true nature. I agree with this, but not completely. For, if this were indeed true then one would assume that man does not learn from circumstance, and that circumstances have no role in shaping man. This is erroneous, if we are to judge on the basis of experience. To learn from our experiences, we are required to reflect on our past circumstances.

Despite this, I enjoyed the book: it certainly got me thinking and that is the most beautiful gift any book can provide. I plan to read it again.