A review by immyhodges
Some Kids I Taught and What They Taught Me by Kate Clanchy



Author makes some strange comparisons to herself and students comparing the racism of a student who is somali/kenyan whos scared he would get permanent stay/asyum in the UK to her being banned from teaching into state schools in Scotland for being too English. Author showing signs of white saviour complex 😬

Also getting angry at poetry competition judges for not selecting her students poems blaming it on race which it could be however her emphasis on winning gives the impression that they write to win, cannot they not just write for enjoyment? - almost putting winning as a value.

What a deranged comment of "to feel and believe, that the long-term reward of thinness is better thab the short-tern one of a fig role. I think its worth it. I think im worth it"
(Shes discussing her ny resolution of not having lunch whilst talking about fat students). Another ignorant comment "anorexia is a middle class disorder" - boiled my blood.

This author is full of herself and considers her opinions above others - disregarding other teachers advice.