A review by bookertsfarm
The Final Reckoning by Margaret James


After having a slower October, my November reads are really hitting it out of the park. I've come to realize I really like foreign thrillers, which is the case with The Final Reckoning. Lindsey and Simon had the perfect teenage romance until it was cut short by the murder of Simon's father. Simon was arrested and Lindsey moved on. However, family circumstances brings Lindsey back to Hartley Cross. Simon was eventually acquitted but Lindsey's return may just turn the cold case warm again.

This is the first book I've read by James but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The characters were very compelling and the mystery kept me on my toes. I found Lindsey to be a very likable character andr really wanted things to work out for her in the end. This book does have a slower build up but that was fine with me because I enjoy those types of read. I've also always been a huge fan of books that go back in time to reveal aspects of the story as the present day progresses.

I never would have guessed this was James' first foray into the thriller genre and I think she did a great job combining her experience with romance into this new endeavor. I will definitely be looking for future works by her and I think any thriller lover, who doesn't mind a hint of romance, should consider picking this up.