A review by emilyetier
Marionette by Antonia Rachel Ward


This was a really interesting book to read. The thing that drew me in at first was the cover, which is such an interesting cover! It is really beautifully drawn. Reading the description of the book, I got even more excited. I was slightly let down by this one, however. Do not get me wrong! I had a good time reading it, and I appreciated all of the twists and turns that were in it.
The words were beautifully written and Antonia Rachel Ward did a wonderful job explaining the scenery of everything that was happening. There were a couple of things that I wished for more in this book, however. I feel as though this book could have been a bit longer. I really liked the novella aspect of this book, I simply just do not feel as though the characters were as developed as they could have been by the end of the story. The end of this story seemed to happen very quickly and I wish that more time could have been taken to explain everything that was happening specifically with Selena.
One of my favorite things in this novella was definitely the author describing being hypnotized. I felt as though she did a really good job encapsulating that. I will definitely read more from this author in the future!
Huge thank you to Netgalley and Brigid Gate Press for an ARC of this novella!