A review by amandainpa
The Love Letter by Rachel Hauck


This was a beautiful love story with an interesting premise. The story jumps from past to present with the reader following Chloe and Jesse, an actress and screenwriter in present day and Esther and Hamilton, 2 friends in love on opposite sidelines during the Revolutionary War. The stories parallel each other in many clever ways.

I loved Esther and Hamilton’s story…it was tragic and reminded me somewhat of a “Romeo and Juliet-esque” forbidden love trope that I often enjoy. The descriptions of the time period were very vivid and the story moved quickly.

Chloe and Jesse’s story was sweet…they were each dealing with ghosts from their past and helped each other through. I loved Chloe’s view on marriage and how the author emphasized how special and sacred marriage is. This is something that is so rare in fiction today that I really appreciated it.

There was a lot of faith content and some supernatural scenes that were very special.

One issue I had with the story was that one character was saved and the other wasn’t and it was never really mentioned as an issue. Being “unequally yoked” is very problematic to relationships and although things were resolved in the end, I wish it would have been mentioned at some point earlier in the story.

I also found Chloe at times to be a bit materialistic, which was a bit off-putting. Certainly, she was born and raised in a very wealthy environment but a few of her comments made her a bit unlikable to me.

Overall, I would highly recommend this book and will definitely dive into more of Rachel’s stories. She is a very gifted author.

My Rating: 4 stars
I received this book from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.