A review by sidharthvardhan
Gypsy Ballads by Robert G. Harvard, Federico García Lorca


Sex, violence, rape and death. This is stuff poems are made of. It is supposed to be deeply routed in Spanish culture. Lorca used to sing them when he was still in process of writing them in front of audience, and they left such a deep impact on people that they were quoted by other writers and inspired other works even before they were published. I guess they wells on the habbit people had world over (before Guttenberg) of making songs on the events that leave deep impact on imagination of people to help remembering events in future. Except in this case they are fictional events.

These poems are often about battle between opposities - desire and purity, life and death. Some of them take form of conversations between characters - and some of the characters are gods (creating new mythic tales) There is lots of symbolism too - which you start being able to understand as you read on. A third reason to want to learn Spanish after Neruda and Marquez.