A review by agrutle
Gambling with the Crown by Lynn Raye Harris


I received this from NetGalley and Harlequin for an honest review.

Working for the prince of Kyr had its ups and downs. As his personal assistant Emily saw him through all kinds of things and through all kinds of women. Like a normal woman she noticed he was attractive but she kept that out of her mind because he was her boss. When Kadir receives a phone call from his father, something changed. Suddenly he was asking her to go home with him. Not as his assistant but as his wife.

Kadir was content being a prince, he didn't want to be tied down by being the king. He couldn't build buildings like he does now. When his father calls and tells him he needs him to come home, he knows the only way to get out of being king is to bring home a wife that is unsuitable for the kingdom. His assistant, Emily is that woman. Little did he know that underneath the boring suits and sensible shoes was a bombshell. Now he can't get her out of his head, maybe she's unsuitable for the kingdom but not for him.

I really enjoyed this story. Emily has a past that makes her shy away from being the center of attention, so when Kadir suggested that she play his bride she was in it for the money. Kadir convinced himself that she was just another gold digging woman, just there for his money. When they are forced to learn more about each other he realizes she has reasons for wanting the money and for the way she dressed all those years.

This book was a nice escape for an afternoon. I think you will enjoy it as well. I can't wait to read Kadir's brothers story next. Check out this book and leave the author some love in the form of a review!!