A review by katykelly
Everyone Dies Famous in a Small Town by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock


Connected short stories, YA 'small town but wider' issues.

Quite interesting, this. I'm not a great fan of short stories, I like to delve into a character and plot, moving from one to another usually doesn't work well in my head. But these stories are all connected, based around young people in one small American town.

Names crop up from story to story, we see different stories even from inside the same family. Some are about teenage relationships, others about more shocking and upsetting problems (fires, missing children, priests).

I maintained interest throughout, though I think the move from one character to another can be easier to follow on paper than through audiobook. The Audible version however was well-narrated, even though all characters were presented by the one female voice.

As with most short stories, there wasn't time to delve into some plots in as much detail as I would have liked, though each ended and moved on without jarring and with some sort of conclusion/direction for the future.

A good range of stories and characters, and does make you consider just what problems others around you are coping with, and how even young people manage their problems.

With thanks to Nudge for providing a sample Audible copy.