A review by alyxandrathegr8
No One Tells You This by Glynnis MacNicol


Just don’t read.
This isn’t a book about being 40 and not
Wanting to Marry or have kids, and it feels like the question about being married and having kids is more of just pull in the book to make it feel more profound

This is a book about wanting the world to think she is the most interesting person alive. She “subtly” brags the whole book and just waxs on and on in a
Way that I guess is supposed to give us the perception of wisdom. It’s just disingenuous from start to finish.

And the part that annoys me most is that’s she shapes what everyone says or does, even if it has nothing to do with her, around how it affects her.

TLDR- this book is a self glorifying handjob.