A review by xanthe87
Feel the Fire by Annabeth Albert


This is a good second chance romance for childhood friends Tucker and Luis. From when they first meet again when Luis comes back to Oregon, to work with the fire crews and investigate possible arson, you can feel the underlying attraction and connection that they had as teenagers and it has the chance to build and develop into something a lot deeper. Things that happened and feelings they had when they were kids were amplified and were the most important things in their lives at that time.
Tucker is now divorced with twin sons soon to go to college whilst working for the fire service. Luis has worked his way up to fire behaviour specialist and lost someone a few years ago.
I was surprised with how quickly they moved on once they are reacquainted but it makes for a lovely story as the two men rebuild their friendship and dive into a physical relationship. I love Tucker and how open he is to everything, despite having an idea of how it might end. He's a brilliant dad with some very emotive teenage boys. There's a real family feel with him, his sons and ex-wife, even all having weekly dinners along with her new husband and daughter but you can sense that Tucker wants that for himself. Luis is eager to dive into the case of possible arson and is really great at what he does. It's clear he misses his family but also a little that he's missing out when it comes to a significant other and children. His cat, however, his highly entertaining in it's complete disregard for those around it.
While this isn't my favourite of the series, I still really enjoyed reading it. We're introduced to a new side of the fire service and get occasional interactions with previous couples.
I received an ARC via NetGalley and am happily giving a review.