A review by whorriorr
Gorgeous by Rachel Vail


This is the 2nd book in a trilogy, but apparently it doesn't matter which order you read them in because it's three separate but interconnected stories about 3 sisters. This one in particular is about the middle sister, Alison Avery, who sells her cell to the devil. Yes, her cell not her soul.
All things considered, this book was alright for what it was- a coming of age, dealing with drama, teen girl book. But this book could have been so much more...
For example, the main plot is about her selling her cell to the devil in exchange for seeming beautiful to 7 people but you barely see the devil, her phone is barely possessed (the sound goes off a lot and sometimes sends her messages to everyone) and most of the trouble she gets into is her own fault, AND (here's the kicker) she doesn't really sell her soul for anything. Technically, the deal was the devil could "posses" her phone but she would be seen as Gorgeous by 7 people. First of all the whole "7 people" thing bothers me, even though this really doesn't get utilized, which also bothers me. Second of all, (Spoiler alert) SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL THE WHOLE TIME BUT PEOPLE JUST STARTED NOTICING BECAUSE SHE HAS GOOD SELF ESTEEM NOW. UGH- LAAAAAAAAAAME. Cliche AF.
I'm not really sure why they have the whole Devil part anyway if they weren't even going to use it, really. From what I can tell, the other two books are completely realistic fiction so this one seems a bit out of place.
Also, the characters irked me- all mean and annoying and not loveable at all. That is all.