A review by ingo_lembcke
The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead


Started January 3d, 2014.
Pushed this in between after re-reading the first of the four Dark Swan-Books [b:Dark Swan Bundle: Storm Born, Thorn Queen, Iron Crowned & Shadow Heir|13495955|Dark Swan Bundle Storm Born, Thorn Queen, Iron Crowned & Shadow Heir|Richelle Mead|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1331224207s/13495955.jpg|19038681].
This book is even more about Sydney, not so much Jill and the others.
Good action, and I like her pov, how she decides and even does a 180 in one case after listening to two persons (or more) basically giving her the same advise. Also romance factor goes higher.
What I really like about the main character Sydney is how she changes and grows independent of her upbringing in a family devoted to the Order of the Alchemists.
Two nice twists near the end of the story I did not see coming, nor the arrival of a problem in the last chapter which will certainly lead to interesting developments in the next book, throwing a monkey-wrench in her plans.
The last chapters where page-turning-frency for me, even staying up later when planned, I just could not stop reading.

Looking forward to reading the next book in the series [b:The Fiery Heart|9833184|The Fiery Heart (Bloodlines, #4)|Richelle Mead|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1383243238s/9833184.jpg|18752242], which will be soon, I guess.
But then a pause will stop me, as the book after that is still being written (or in production), [b:Silver Shadows|8709524|Silver Shadows (Bloodlines, #5)|Richelle Mead|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1384794853s/8709524.jpg|18752278] is set to appear in July 2014.
Highly recommended.